Comparative evaluation of morphoshysiological indicators of two — and three-year old sterlets during summer hospital in garden conditions


Akhmedzhanova Aliya BaymuratovnaORCID, ,Ponomarev Sergey VladimirovichORCID,Fedorovykh Yulia ViktorovnaORCID,Levina Olga AleksandrovnaORCID,Dutikov Evgeny AlexandrovichORCID,Vyatchin Vladislav VladimirovichORCID,Belyaeva Maria VladislavovnaORCID, , , , , ,


At the end of the last century and the beginning of this century, there was a significant decrease in the stocks of Caspian sturgeon fish due to increased poaching, both in the sea and on the routes of spawning migrations. As a result, all this led to the loss of the commercial value of sturgeon fish and, as a result, to its complete prohibition, excluding only the capture of producers for fish breeding and scientific purposes. The creation of sturgeon broodstock using industrial methods of rearing is the way to preserve the gene pool of these most valuable representatives of the world ichthyofauna and to obtain planting material for commercial fish farming. In connection with the use of industrial methods of fish rearing, the need for their physiological control increases. Research using physiological, biochemical and hematological methods allows you to assess the state of fish and the conditions for their rearing. The conducted studies revealed: throughout the summer growing period in the older and younger groups, a high level of total protein, cholesterol and glucose remained (within the reference values), fluctuations in hemoglobin concentration (from 65.0-74.5 g / l) in the younger and older groups were within the physiological norm, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate varied in both groups from 2.5-3.5 mm / hour and was within the reference values. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that the maximum relative weight gains were characteristic of three-year-old sterlet, it was found that with age, the intensity of growth in three-year-olds increased. The data obtained are of significant interest for monitoring the growing conditions of this representative of aquaculture, which will be valuable for specialists engaged in sturgeon breeding.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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