Quality assessment of young of the hybrids “Lensky sturgeon × Russian sturgeon” and “bester” grown in a circulated water supply unit


Sugralieva Altnay SerikovnaORCID, ,Dulina Anna SergeevnaORCID,


The actual direction of modern aquaculture is the optimization of fish breeding processes by monitoring and managing environmental parameters and feeding regimes, reducing the influence of seasonality on technological processes in order to increase the yield of marketable products per unit area. The most optimal option for such industrial aquaculture is the use of recirculating water supply systems, which have proven themselves especially well in the cultivation of sturgeon fish. In commercial aquaculture, aimed at year-round production of high-value delicacy products in the form of meat and caviar, hybrid forms of sturgeon are becoming more common. The article describes the experience of growing juvenile hybrids Lensky sturgeon × Russian sturgeon and Bester in the pools installed in the recirculating water installation of Caspian Bekiresy Limited (Atyrau, Kazakhstan) is described. The article presents the results of monitoring the hydrochemical parameters of water, as well as the characteristics of the types of feed used in the cultivation of sturgeon hybrids at different stages of ontogenesis. The indicators of the initial and final weight, as well as the values of the absolute, average daily and relative growth of the yearlings of sturgeon hybrids were determined. A comparative assessment of the survival of sturgeon hybrid fry when grown in a recirculating water installation pools using water from an artesian well was carried out. The experience of growing sturgeon interspecific hybrids, based on the obtained fish-biological indicators, allows us to recommend them as a full-fledged replacement for parental species, the cultivation of which under artificial conditions has a low efficiency. Moreover, bester, which had high rates of growth and survival, is a more promising object for large-scale commercial cultivation in conditions of recirculating water supply installations.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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