Theoretical and practical aspects of domestication of common catfish (Silurus glanis, L.)


Rozumnaya Lyubov Anatolyevna1,Pronina Galina Iozepovna2,Petrushin Alexander Borisovich1,Shishanova Elena Ivanovna1


1. Federal research center for animal husbandry — VIZ named after academician L.K. Ernst

2. Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy


The article discusses some aspects of the domestication of common catfish (Silurus glanis) in the conditions of cyprinid fish farms. Under the pressure of selection and directed cultivation in pond conditions of carp fish farms, changes in ethological, morphological, and physiological indicators are observed. The variability of the majority of morphological indicators and development indices (8–14%) indicates a high degree of consolidation of the resulting breeding offspring and indicates the completion of the first stage of domestication in the conditions of fish-breeding carp farms. Physiological and biochemical assessment of different age categories of catfish showed low variability of physiological indicators. it Can be assumed that the decrease in the coefficient of variability is a consequence of domestication. Studies of the immunological status have shown its optimal level, which allows us to accept the obtained indicators as indicative standards for evaluating brood flocks and their offspring. There was a significant increase in the body weight of commercial three-year-olds of the 4th breeding generation, compared with the first generation. It is established that the reproduction of catfish planted in carp summer-fallow ponds is more successful than in natural reservoirs, since ponds of this category are often small, well-warmed, which contributes to the rapid maturation of producers and the development of caviar. When growing in pond conditions for 2–3 generations, changes in behavioral reactions were noted — there was a decrease in aggressiveness and the development of conditioned reflexes to the specified food objects. The level of food availability affects the metabolism and maturation period, so along with the use of the natural feed base of the pond, it is recommended to use additional feeding and directed formation of the natural feed base.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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