Variability of physiological and biochemical parameters of the blood of beluga females (Huso huso) in the conditions of artificial reproduction


Kozlova N.V.ORCID, ,Makarova E.G.ORCID,Nikitin F.I.ORCID, ,


The results of a study and analysis of the physiological and biochemical parameters of the blood of beluga females (Huso huso) during the spawning period were presented in the article. The data were obtained in the laboratory of molecular genetics and physiology of the Volga-Caspian branch of the VNIRO (CaspNIRKH) in the period 2020–2022 during the monitoring of artificial reproduction. We studied females of the V stage of gonads maturity of natural (domesticated stocks) and artificial parameters of blood in beluga females during the spawning period was calculated using descriptive statistics based on parametric and nonparametric criteria. A comparative analysis of females of domesticated stocks and broodstocks revealed an unreliable (p > 0.05) trend of excess of the studied physiological and biochemical parameters in the blood of individuals of artificial generation, with the exception of beta-lipoproteins. The established ranges of blood components characterized the heterogeneity of the functional state of spawners at the spawning stage. There was a positive correlation (p < 0.05) between cholesterol and total lipids (r = +0.56), cholesterol and beta-lipoproteins (r = +0.74), beta-lipoproteins and total lipids (r = +0.44),hemoglobin and total serum protein (r = +0.58). The recorded dynamics testified to a unidirectional regularity in the consumption of fish biochemical components for the formation of reproductive products. The results obtained are necessary to assess the “quality” of beluga spawners in order to optimize the technologies for obtaining physiologically high-grade juveniles under conditions of artificial reproduction.


PANORAMA Publishing House


Environmental Engineering

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1. Genetic monitoring of sturgeon fishes under the conditions of artificial reproduction in the Astrakhan region;Rybovodstvo i rybnoe hozjajstvo (Fish Breeding and Fisheries);2023-07-26







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