Some aspects of fishery development of sturgeon hybrids in Russia. Part 2


Melchenkov Evgeny Alekseevich1ORCID,Myshkin Aleksey Vladimirovich2ORCID,Kalmykova Vera Veniaminovna1ORCID,Vorob’yov Aleksandr Pavlovich2ORCID,Archibasov Arthur Alekseevich1ORCID


1. Laboratory of Sturgeon Breeding and Acclimatization, Branch for Freshwater Fisheries of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “VNIRO” (VNIIPRH), Russia

2. Branch for Freshwater Fisheries of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “VNIRO” (VNIIPRH), Russia


With the development of commercial sturgeon breeding, creating hybrid forms of sturgeon fish in order to obtain a larger volume of gourmet marketable products is of increasing interest to fish farmers. The choice of objects for creating hybrid forms for commercial cultivation depends on the conditions and biotechnologies of intensive fish culture. One of the widely used technologies that can several times reduce the time for growing objects and receive viable juveniles and marketable products year-round is the technology using recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). With this cultivation technique, the advantage is given to species with high adaptive capabilities and growth intensity. The most popular objects for hybridization and creation of hybrid forms are beluga, sterlet, Siberian and Russian sturgeon, etc. Beluga is the largest representative of the sturgeon family. It reaches commodity weight (3–5 kg) against the background of natural temperatures within 2–3 years. The Sterlet is a pure freshwater form. It is an excellent object for cross-breeding with other sturgeon species, in particular with beluga to obtain a bester hybrid. The Siberian sturgeon grows most intensively at a temperature of 15–25°C, however, the growth persists at lower temperatures (1–10°C). The Russian sturgeon in artificial conditions reaches a marketable weight of 1.5–3.0 kg in the second-third years of cultivation. In order to facilitate the orientation of fish farms, fish farmers engaged in the production of commercial products, the article discusses the creation of hybrid forms of sturgeon fish in domestic and foreign aquaculture, provides their brief fish-breeding and biological characteristics when grown in fish farms of various types. Knowledge of the fish-breeding and biological characteristics of sturgeon fish species hybrids when grown in specific conditions will make it possible to successfully introduce them into the practice of commercial cultivation. English version of the article is available at URL:


PANORAMA Publishing House

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1. Results of the first year of sturgeon hybrid breeding in an industrial fishery;Rybovodstvo i rybnoe hozjajstvo (Fish Breeding and Fisheries);2022-11-20







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