Innovative methods of drying composite materials in vacuum


,Ivashchenko D. N.


This work investigates innovative methods of vacuum drying of composite materials, providing improved preservation of physical and mechanical properties, reduced processing time, and lower energy consumption. A review of modern composite drying technologies is conducted, and the advantages of the vacuum method are identified. The methodoogy of an experimental study of the effectiveness of vacuum drying is presented, utilizing composite material samples and analyzing their properties before and after processing. The obtained results showed a significant improvement in strength characteristics and a 30 % reduction in drying time compared to traditional methods. A 25 % decrease in energy consumption was also observed. Statistical analysis confirmed the significance of differences in results between different processing methods. The advantages of vacuum drying are discussed, related to more uniform moisture removal and prevention of thermal damage to composites. Conclusions are drawn about the prospects of applying the developed methods in industrial production to improve quality and reduce costs.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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