Features of the functional state of the body of students with different physical activity


Khusainov A. E.ORCID, ,Zulkarnaev T. R.ORCID,Stepanov E. G.ORCID,Povargo E. A.ORCID,Agafonov A. I.ORCID,Mochalkin P. A.ORCID, , , , ,


The study of the features of the functional indicators of various systems of the student»s body during his studies at the university is due to the importance of the problem of forming the future healthy generation of the country. In order to study the functional state of the body of students with different levels of physical activity, 672 medical university students were examined (30.7 % of them were boys and 69.3 % of girls). According to the IPAQ questionnaire, the subjects were divided into three groups: with high, medium and low levels of physical activity. The study revealed that more than half of the students with normal body weight were in the group with a high level of physical activity, while there were more boys in the group with average physical activity, and girls in the group with high physical activity. It was found that among students with excess body weight, almost a quarter of them were in the group with a low level of physical activity. A similar pattern was observed in the distribution by gender. According to the main indicators of hemodynamics, it was found that the pulse pressure index was higher among students with high physical activity, which indicates good fitness. The indicator of the coefficient of efficiency of blood circulation was higher in students with a low level of physical activity, which indicates a faster fatigue of students in this group. When comparing the average values of the Robinson index, it was found that this indicator was higher among students in the group with a low level of physical activity, which indicates a weakening of the function of the cardiovascular system. The conducted research allowed us to identify significant differences in the groups due to different levels of physical activity of students.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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