Teacher’s request: multimedia manuals for the formation of student’s health


Sobolevskaya Tat’yana Aleksandrovna1,Ryabova Irina Viktorovna1,Nezhkina Natal’ya Nikolaevna2,Zverev Oleg Mikhaylovich1,Chernogorov Dmitriy Nikolaevich1


1. Institute of System Projects, Moscow City University (MCU)

2. Ivanovo State Medical Academy


The article presents the results of survey of teachers in Moscow schools to study a request of learning materials for formation of healthy lifestyle and prevention of health problems of students in educational process both in the classroom and in distance learning and their preferences in content of such tools. 270 teachers from 27 general education complexes of different administrative districts of Moscow took part in the survey (December 2020). The results of survey shows that today there is a shortage of educational materials on electronic resources aimed at forming student’s health and preventing its violations. There is a request from the teachers for development and creation of such tools and mainly multimedia materials.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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