Comparative characteristics of working conditions of vegetable growers working in greenhouses of old and new types


Yatsenko Liliya Aleksandrovna1,Mamchik Nikolay Petrovich1,Kameneva Olga Vladimirovna1


1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


Every year, the consumption of vegetables grown on the territory of our country increases, which became possible not only in the summer, when mass cultivation begins in the open ground, but also in winter, due to the functioning of a large number of greenhouse complexes. Greenhouse vegetable growing is a priority in the development of the agro-industrial sector of the state. On the territory of the country, greenhouses exist for a fairly long period. Modern greenhouse complexes differ both in the way of growing vegetable products and in the working conditions of employees. Working in greenhouses that use soil is associated with physical stress, in contrast to modern complexes, where the work on watering plants is automated, and plant care has new means of mechanization. Hygienic assessment and comparative characteristics of the working conditions of greenhouse workers were carried out when performing work during the annual cycle of growing vegetable products. The effect of physical factors and the severity of the labor process was evaluated. The results of the study showed that the work of vegetable growers working at enterprises with different technologies of crop cultivation differs both in the impact of physical factors and in the class of labor severity. Modern greenhouse complexes are able to create favorable climatic conditions for personnel, thanks to an automated microclimate management system. With the mechanization of the labour process, working conditions talionic improved with class 3.2 (harmful heavy labor 2-degree) to class 3.1 (harmful hard work of 1 degree). Comparative characteristics of the working conditions of greenhouses, allowed us to talk about the introduction of new technologies in the process of growing vegetables, as an event that contributes not only to improving the productivity of vegetable crops, but also a preventive measure that improves the working conditions of vegetable growers.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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