Some features of the digestive system incidence of children population off the Primorsky Territory


Ivanova Inna Leonidovna1,Vazhenina Antonina Anatolievna1,Trankovskaya Lidiya Viktorovna1,Anishchenko Elena Borisovna1


1. Расіfіc Stаtе Меdісаl Unіvеrsіtу оf the Mіnіstrу оf Hеаlth of the Russіаn Fеdеrаtіоn


The article presents the results of a hygienic study conducted in the territory of the Primorsky Territory to assess the primary incidence of digestive system organs among the children of the Primorsky Territory. For the study, data on the recorded primary incidence for 18 years were analyzed. Mapping of the primary morbidity was carried out, the attributive risk of digestive diseases was calculated. The territorial distribution of statistically significant average annual levels of primary morbidity showed that children are more likely to suffer from gastritis and duodenitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the northern part of the region, where the highest incidence rates are recorded — these are rural areas. with an unstable economic situation and areas of the eastern coast of Primorye with the most unfavorable climatic conditions. The results of calculating the attributive risk show that children (0–7 years old) living in rural areas of the Primorsky Territory belong to the risk group for diseases of the digestive system. The identified territories are the least economically developed, with the absence of powerful sources of anthropogenic pollution of the population's habitat. The results obtained in this work should be taken into account when choosing and substantiating the indicators of the regional information fund for social and hygienic monitoring, when developing effective primary prevention measures and making managerial decisions at the regional level in the field of health care for children and children. adolescents in the Primorsky Territory.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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