Hygienic characteristics of the labor process of employees of the main professions of the mining enterprise according to the criteria of severity and tension


Strashnikova T.1,Oleshchenko A.1,Surzhikov D.1,Kislitsyna V.1


1. Research Institute of complex problems of hygiene and occupational diseases


The article gives a hygienic characteristic of the factors of the labor process of employees of the main professions of the mining enterprise: severity and tension. Classes of working conditions are defined. Found that the priority factor of the labor process of workers in major industrial and occupational groups mining companies is the burden of work. The working conditions of the drilling rig operator, the sinker on the section of rifling work No. 6, the sinker on the section of mining and preparatory work No. 10, and the electrical mechanic on duty and for repairing equipment are classified as thirddegree hazardous (3.3). According to the criterion of labor intensity, the studied industrial and professional groups have an acceptable (2) and harmful class of working conditions of the first degree (3.1).


PANORAMA Publishing House

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