Features of occupational pathology of construction workers in the Arctic


Syurin Sergey Alekseevich1


1. Northwest Public Health Research Center


Construction is one of the most important sectors of the economy. The purpose of the study was to investigate the working conditions and occupational pathology of workers in the construction industry in the Arctic zone of Russia in 2008–2018. Materials and methods. The analysis included results of the monitoring study «Working conditions and occupational morbidity» of the population of the Arctic zone of Russia in 2008–2018. Results. It was found that in 2008–2018, 145 occupational diseases were first identified among builders. Most often occupational pathology developed in women (n = 86) who worked as painters (n = 48) and plasterers (n = 26). The increased severity of work was the cause of the development of 55.9 % of occupational pathology cases. In its structure, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (43.4 %), respiratory organs (18.6 %) and the nervous system (15.9 %) were most prevalent. The most prevalent nosological units were monopolyneuropathy, arthrosis of the joints of the extremities and sensorineural hearing loss (13.8 % each). Mainly occupational diseases (80 cases or 55.2 %) were first diagnosed as a result of workers’ self-appeal for medical help. The annual number of diagnosed diseases ranged from 5 to 27 cases. In general, over 10 years there was a trend towards an increase in the number of occupational diseases. In 2018, the risk of formation of occupational pathology among construction workers significantly exceeded the level of 2008: RR = 3.51; CI 1.65–7.46; χ2 = 12.4; p = 0.0005. Conclusion. Prevention of occupational pathology among builders in the Arctic should, first of all, include technical measures to reduce the severity of labor processes in the «female» construction professions (painter and plasterer) and medical measures to prevent the musculoskeletal diseases.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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