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2. 2. Rakhmetova B. L., Suleimenova, R. K., Gabdullina A.J. Evaluation of the effectiveness of medical and social rehabilitation of disabled children with cerebral palsy by medical university students. In the collection: Modern medical research (In the collection: Modern medical research). Collection of articles of the XIX International Scientific Medical Conference. 2018: 14-18. (in Russian)
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4. 4. Artemyeva V.D., Myachina E.K. On the issue of the problem of parental attitude of fathers to children with cerebral palsy. In the collection: Cognition and activity: from the past to the present. Materials of the III All-Russian Scientific Conference. Omsk, 2021: 49-51 (in Russian)
5. 5. Tukinova A.R. Socialization as one of the rehabilitation structures in cerebral palsy. In the collection: Youthin-science: - new-arguments (Youth in Science: New Arguments). Collection of scientific papers of the IV International Youth Scientific Conference. Ed. by A.V. Gorbenko. 2018: 58-60 (in Russian)