1. Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Medicine and Human Ecology
COVID-19 coronavirus infection as a new disease of the professional etiology of medical workers has led to a sharp change in the statistical indicators and the structure of occupational morbidity. Materials and methods. The etiological and nosological structure of occupational morbidity in the Republic of Bashkortostan for 2020 was studied. Results. In the studied year, section Q «Health and social services» accounted for the highest proportion of primary occupational diseases registered in the republic — 54.8 %. For the first time in all the years of observation, there was a change in the structure of occupational pathology due to the appearance of a new occupational disease — a new coronavirus infection, which brought the group of diseases from the influence of the industrial biological factor to a leading position. The complex epidemiological situation caused a sharp decline in the diagnosis of other forms of occupational pathology.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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6 articles.