China's policy in Africa: the role of the strategy of “soft power”


Gulyants V. V.ORCID, ,


Within the framework of the modern system of international relations, China is turning into one of the world's leading centers of power. This process is inextricably linked with the strengthening of its own positions in those regions of the world that are of paramount importance for Beijing. Undoubtedly, Africa is one such region. The article is devoted to the study of the strategy of "soft power" in the foreign policy of modern China in relation to African countries. In view of the growing role of the African direction in the foreign policy concept of the PRC, relations with the states of Africa are considered as part of the strategy of the new world order, in which the tools of "soft power" acquire signifi cant importance. Despite the fact that, fi rst of all, in international relations, attention is focused on the use of “hard power” by states, and the relevance of the “economic power” factor is also increasing, the influence of “soft power” tools is still noticeably increasing. Within the framework of this study, special attention is paid to the description of the implementation of the concept of "soft power" in Beijing's African policy in such areas as education, science, culture, and healthcare. An analysis of Chinese diasporas is presented as one of the key tools of "soft power" with Chinese characteristics. The aspect of the infl uence of the Chinese side on the information space and the media in the African region is considered separately. Given the growing role of the "Celestial Empire" on the world stage, special attention is paid to the transformation of the concept of China's "soft power" into "discursive power". The article presents the main activities of the PRC within the framework of this strategy.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine,General Engineering,Religious studies,Cultural Studies,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Materials Science,General Medicine,Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics,General Medicine,General Chemistry

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