Methodology for content analysis of the digital medicine information space


Berdutin V. A.ORCID, ,Romanova T. E.,


In the near future, global healthcare will undergo fundamental changes associated with digital transformation of medicine, which is supported by numerous innovative technologies. Digitalization of domestic healthcare is currently a priority for its development. It requires medical professionals to have specialized knowledge and a willingness to make the most of the advances in digital medicine. Content analysis of the information space of digital medicine makes it possible to determine people's attitudes by learning the opinions of representatives of various strata of civil society, expressed in the media, and to draw a conclusion about the state of healthcare both in Russia and around the world. In this regard, the methodological support of computer-based content analysis, which must be carried out at the most modern technological level, is of particular interest. It is no coincidence that the purpose of this article is to consider key issues related to the use of innovative approaches and algorithms for assessing the information space of digital medicine.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Medicine,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine

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