1. 1. Vosstanovlenie kostnoi tkani posle udaleniia zubov pri ispolzovanii tkaneinzhenernoi konstruktsii na osnove multipotentnykh stromalnykh kletok zhirovoi tkani [Restoration of bone tissue after tooth extraction using a tissue engineering construct based on multipotent stromal cells of adipose tissue] /I.S. Alekseeva, A.A. Kulakov, A.V. Goldstein, A.V. Volkov // Stomatologiia [Dentistry]. - 2012. - No. 4. - P. 32-35. (In Russ.)
2. 2. Vydelenie i analiz stvolovykh kletok iz zachatkov pulpy tretiego moliara cheloveka [Isolation and analysis of stem cells from the rudiments of the pulp of the third human molar]: author's abstract of the thesis for the degree of PhD Candidate in Biology: 03.03.04 / Blatt Nataliia Lvovna. - Saransk, 2012. - 23 p. (In Russ.)
3. 3. K izucheniiu svezhevydelennykh autologichnykh stromalnykh kletok podkozhnoi zhirovoi kletchatki dlia regeneratsii biologicheskikh tkanei [On study of freshly isolated autologous stromal cells of subcutaneous adipose tissue for the regeneration of biological tissues] / V.B. Karpiuk, M.D. Perova, M.G. Shubich // Institut stomatologii [Institute of Dentistry]. - 2009. - No. 3. - P. 74. (In Russ.)
4. 4. Vozmozhnosti i perspektivy ispolzovaniia preparatov dvoinogo deistviia dlia farmakoterapii sistemnogo osteoporoza u patsientov s perelomami kostei [Opportunities and prospects for the use of dual-acting drugs for the pharmacotherapy of systemic osteoporosis in patients with bone fractures]/ Kochish A.Iu., et al. // Travmatologiia i ortopediia Rossii [Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia]. 2012. No. 2 (64). P. 99-104. (In Russ.)
5. 5. Mezenkhimalnye kletki pulpy molochnogo zuba: tsitofenotip i pervichnaia otsenka vozmozhnosti primeneniia v tkanevoi inzhenerii kostnoi tkani [Mesenchymal cells of the pulp of a milk tooth: cytophenotype and initial assessment of the possibility of using it in tissue engineering of bone tissue] / I.V. Vakhrushev // Kletochnye tekhnologii v biologii i meditsine [Cell Technologies in Biology and Medicine]. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 55-60. (In Russ.)