Subjective attitude of medical universities graduates to the readiness to start independent work


Rodin E. A.ORCID,


The article is devoted to the problems of obtaining practical skills by students of medical universities who studied during the pandemic of a new type of coronavirus infection COVID-19. Based on the results of a questionnaire survey of 111 students of two medical universities, the author comes to the conclusion about the importance of work or volunteer activity of students in medical organizations during the study period.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Social Sciences,Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous),Philosophy,Anthropology,Language and Linguistics,Communication,Social Psychology,Philosophy,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Public Administration,Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Social Psychology,General Social Sciences,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance,General Social Sciences,General Arts and Humanities,Sociology and Political Science,Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Education,Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Education

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