Experience of the pandemic in the context of changing doctor-patient relationship


,Pluzhnikova A. S.,Filamofitskaya M. M., ,Basharova Ya. D.,


The article deals with the issue of transformation of doctor-patient relationship during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main aspects investigated by analyzing the results of the questionnaire survey were the attitude of Moscow residents to their health, their personal experience of overcoming the pandemic, and its impact on the perception of medical professionals. According to the results, the experience of overcoming the pandemic had a positive impact on changing the perception of the doctor's image and of the medical community in general. Survey participants noted the heroization of medical professionals' actions during the fight against the novel coronavirus infection, which resulted in a general rise in the level of trust in doctors and an increase in the status of the medical profession. Muscovites believe that part of the responsibility for their health lies with medical professionals. However, taking into account that behavioral strategies of a substantial number of the respondents are marked by low activity of observing the principles of healthy lifestyle, the presence of bad habits, low medical aid appealability at the occurrence of primary signs of disease, and non-compliance with doctor's prescriptions, it significantly complicates the possibility of providing medical care and preserving health.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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