Infl uence of genotype of sows on carcass weight of offspring


Zaiko O. A.ORCID, ,Konovalova T. V.ORCID,Petukhov V. L.ORCID,Strizhkova M. V.,Korotkevich O. S.ORCID,Zheltikov A. I.,Biryulya I. K.ORCID, , , , , ,


The study of fattening and meat traits of farm animals is relevant in the framework of ecological and genetic screening. The purpose of the work was to establish the infl uence of the genotype of sows on the carcass weight of the off spring obtained from them. Three groups of sows of Landrace breed were formed according to the principle of analogues, in each group they were full sibs, the total number of animals was 13. Pigs were reared in a large pig farm in the Altai Territory. The conditions of housing the animals corresponded to the standard requirements for pork fattening. At the age of about 150–160 days when fattening up to 100 kg of live weight slaughter was performed. The determination of the carcass weight was established by weighing on monorail scales for static mass estimation. The data was evaluated using Microsoft Offi ce Excel and the R programming language in the RStudio data analysis environment version 2022,07,2+576 (RStudio, PBC). The weight of the carcass characterized by the median in litters No. 2386, No. 1902, No. 2849 was 59,60, 63,60 and 71,60 kg, respectively. The analysis of variance carried out using the Kraskel-Wallis criterion indicated that the carcass weight significantly differed in the estimated litters (H = 6,36, df = 2, p = 0,041). A pair wise comparison using the posteriori Dunn test with the Hill correction indicates signifi cant diff erences in the pair of litters No. 2386 and No. 2849. Cluster analysis revealed two clusters: litter No. 2849 and litters No. 1902, No. 2386. The data obtained indicates the infl uence of pig heredity on the studied trait, and can be used in breeding programs and genetic-breeding research.


PANORAMA Publishing House


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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