1. Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev”
Recently, the effectiveness of research is largely determined by the indicators of publication activity. According to these indicators it is customary to evaluate individual scientists, research teams, research centers, educational institutions and even states. Various international scientometric systems are used for the analysis, among which Web of Science and Scopus are the liders. The Strategy of scientific and technological development of our country, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (dated December 1, 2016 No. 642), the priorities of the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation for the innovative development of the domestic market of products and services, the stable position of Russia in the foreign market are determined. The purpose of the work was to determine the effectiveness of research in animal husbandry through the prism of publication activity in the scientometric systems Web of Science and Scopus. As a result of the analysis the share of publications of Russian scientists in journals and publications included in the international scientometric systems Web of Science and Scopus including in animal husbandry has been determined. A significant lag in the publication activity of domestic scientists in the analyzed systems from colleagues of leading Western countries has been established. Among the total number of publications reflected on the Web of Science platform for 2010–2020, 857 468 pieces or three quarters of the total set of scientific articles, preprints and monographs in the world are devoted to the problems of animal husbandry, which indicates the importance of this branch of science for the world economy.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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