The effective method to improve the sanitary and hygienic conditions of poultry housing


Kovaleva O. V., ,Sannikova N. V.,Shulepova О. V.,Bocharova A. A.,Punegova V. V.,Kostomakhin N. M., , , , ,


Poultry farming is a sub-branch of animal husbandry, in which modern technical and information technologies to obtain high-quality products with minimal prime-cost have been mastered. However, issues related to the environmentally safe, rational disposal of litter remain unresolved. The high productivity of poultry and the duration of its use under the conditions of industrial technology depend on the provision of high-quality feeding and comfortable conditions of housing in compliance with all technological and zoohygenic parameters. The litter remains indoors during the entire rearing period of broiler chickens and emits a large amount of pollutants. The poultry body has great functional loads, its adaptive reactions to external stimuli change, which become stressful for it. As a result, the physiological state of the body is disturbed, productivity decreases, diseases caused by a decrease in natural resistance are more often manifested. Therefore, it is especially important to comply with zoohygienic and technological standards during the period of poultry rearing, since it is most sensitive to the slightest changes not only in feeding, but also in the microclimate of the premises. The purpose of the work was to carry out production tests of different bedding materials in order to improve the sanitary and hygienic conditions of poultry housing. The research was carried out under production conditions on broiler chickens in an experimental workshop, in which four sections (groups) were formed: one control and three experimental. In the control section sawdust was used as a bedding material (layer 3 cm), in the 1st experimental section diatomite was used (layer 0,5 cm) + sawdust (layer 2,5 cm), in the 2nd experimental section was used diatomite (layer 1,0 cm), in the 3rd experimental section diatomite was used (layer 0,5 cm). It was found as a result of the conducted studies that when modified diatomite was used as the bedding material, the sanitary and hygienic conditions of poultry housing were improved. Based on the data presented, the best indicator for the concentration of ammonia content was obtained in the 2nd experimental section (group) where modified diatomite was used in the bedding layer of 1,0 cm.


PANORAMA Publishing House


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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