1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev”, Russia, Moscow
The article is devoted to the ecological problem of animal husbandry development. The special role of animal husbandry in environmental pollution has been noted in the article. Large livestock complexes and poultry farms under modern conditions are represented by manure, droppings and other emissions as the most harmful pollutants of the environment. More than 45 types of pollutants are released into the environment from livestock farms, complexes and poultry farms. Atmospheric air is polluted by microorganisms, dust, ammonia and other animal waste products, which often have unpleasant odors in the area of livestock farms, complexes and poultry farms. Especially from pig farms unpleasant odors can spread at a distance of up to 10 km. With the increase in water consumption for animal husbandry, the discharge of manure-containing wastewater into water bodies also increases, which leads to their contamination and loss of useful properties. In Russia the amount of wastewater from livestock farms ranges from 250 to 3000 tons per day or from 90 thousand tons up to 1 million tons per year. Every day about 200 tons of manure is accumulated on the cattle feed site, where 10 thousand heads of cattle are kept. An equal amount of environmental pollution can be produced only by the pig-breeding complex per 100 thousand heads or the complex of cattle for 35 thousand heads, in comparison with the volume produced by a large industrial center with a population of 400–500 thousand people. In order to improve the situation the authors have recommend the use of a number of methods of biological disposal of agricultural waste.
PANORAMA Publishing House
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