The planning, rationing and organization of work on technical maintenance of machinery and equipment in animal husbandry


Kovalyev L. I.1,Kovalyev I. L.2,Kostomakhin M. N.3


1. Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University, Belarus, Minsk

2. Institute of System Research in Agro-industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Belarus, Minsk

3. Federal Research Center Agro Engineering All Russian Institute of Mechanization, Russia, Moscow


Maintenance and repair of livestock machinery and equipment is carried out as a rule by specialized repair and service enterprises on the basis of service contracts in accordance with the procedure established by law. However, with the renewal of the park’s farms with machines and equipment with automated and computerized process control, as well as the reconstruction of dairy farms and complexes, it became necessary to have a production base and highly qualified specialists for the maintenance of equipment. The most important and key provisions of the improved methodology of planning and accounting of work in the technical service of animal husbandry with the use of a number of standards are given, some features of accounting and planning of these types of work have been noted. The concepts of “repair unit” and “category of complexity of technical service” have been defined. The general provisions of the methodology for calculating costs and determining the cost of carrying out maintenance and repair of livestock equipment have been considered. On the base of calculations, the average total cost standards for carrying out maintenance and repair of livestock equipment have been established. These standards greatly simplify the planning of costs during the operation of equipment, and also allow us to determine the cost of maintenance and repair at different stages of the creation of new machines.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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