Scientific basis for intelligent of production processes in cattle breeding


,Sidorova V. Yu.,Popov N. A., ,Kostomakhin N. M.ORCID,


Increasing the productivity of livestock and veterinary specialists is an integral part of intensifying the production of animal husbandry products. The solution of multifaceted problems is ensured by the organization of their work. For example, the intelligent of production processes in livestock breeding lies in the fact that the use of innovative technologies, the rate of which on average in the industry reaches 46 %. So far, involves the use of electronic telecommunication devices, which had currently better meet the requirements for the maintenance and operation of breeding animals than traditional standards using analog-digital forms of equipment and document fl ow. The purpose of the research was to study the eff ectiveness of using innovative equipment in terms of time spent on implementing animal science accounting and obtaining animal husbandry products when breeding animals using telecommunication devices for recording technical and technological processes through the integration of data collection terminals using RFID (radio frequency identifi cation) and scanners that allow reading electronic ear (UHF) tags, boluses, electronic chips compared to traditional equipment that is still used in livestock enterprises. It has been established that the use of innovative technologies in animal husbandry meets the requirements of breeding pedigree animals better than using previous standards, i.e. using analog-electronic forms of equipment. Thus, innovative technologies make production processes shorter in time by 16.3 %, and more economical. Analysis of the results of the growth rate of off spring of individual sires using traditional standard technologies showed the loss of working time 10.3 times greater than when using innovations. With traditional breeding technologies, losses in the average daily gain in live weight of young and adult animals by 17.5 and 30.0 %, respectively, were noted. Losses in average daily gain in live weight were noted by 1.1–1.2 times greater when using traditional technologies of registration, identifi cation and control than when using innovations. Therefore, it is necessary to organize professional communication with colleagues in the information fi eld to participate in breeding pedigree livestock in cattle breeding.


PANORAMA Publishing House







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