Breeding control of milk quality as a tool for evaluation the breeding value of animals


Chasovshchikova M. A., ,Kovaleva О. V.,Gubanov M. V.,Ponomareva E. A.,Kostomakhin N. M., , , ,


The modern system for the breeding value evaluation of animals consists of phenotypic and genotypic traits on the basis of which the indices of breeding value are calculated. Relying on genetic factors, the share of influence of which, for example, on dairy productivity is 25-30 %, it is possible not only to assess the breeding value, but also to improve the herd according to the necessary parameters. However, the complexity of using genomic selection is due to the fact that milk productivity itself largely depends on environmental factors. In order to automate and accelerate work with the herd as well as to obtain reliable parameters of milk productivity, there are different mechanisms; one of these is the breeding control of milk quality. The purpose of the work was to evaluate the effectiveness of automating the collection of milk quality data when evaluating the breeding value of animals. The proposed tool in the form of a laboratory for milk quality control allows us to use information not only at the level of a Regional Information and Breeding Center, as a data integrator in the region, but also by breeds, Associations, Unions, laboratories, as well as transfer ready-made data to Associations, Unions, government agencies. The dependence of the variability of quantitative traits on the genetic characteristics of breeds, the effects of environmental factors and interactions between them indicates the limited potential effectiveness of genomic breeding in order to increase the efficiency of animal husbandry. Therefore, without the possibility of obtaining phenotypic data and data on productivity indicators, it is not only impossible to develop our own Russian index of breeding value of animals, but also the system for evaluation breeding value at all.


PANORAMA Publishing House


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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