Dynamics of milk productivity of cows depending on the method of housing and the calving season


,Shishkina T. V.ORCID,Zykina E. A.ORCID, ,Dmitrieva S. Yu., ,Semikova N. M.,


The results of the dynamics of milk productivity of cows depending on the method of housing and calving season have been presented in the paper. Under the conditions of the Educational and Experimental Farm “Ramzai” of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Penza State Agrarian University”, a stall and pasture system and tie-up housing of cows is used. In CJSC “Konstantinovo” a stall system and free-stall method of housing of cows is used with using separate boxes for the animals. For research, animals were divided into groups depending on the method of housing and calving time. Analysis of the average monthly milk yield of fi rst-calf heifers showed that, in general, their dynamics were the same. However, animals housed in free-stall and calved in the spring-summer period showed higher productivity rates, exceeding on average other groups of animals by 124 kg or 20 %. The highest productivity values in the fi rst three months of lactation were in cows of the 1st group, housed in free-stall method. In relation to milk yield for the fi rst 3 months to milk yield for 305 days of lactation, the fluctuations ranged from 19 to 35 % with free-stall housing, and from 26 to 34 % with tie-up housing. It was revealed on the base of study of the milk productivity of cows for 305 days of lactation that the highest indicators were obtained from cows housed in free-stall method 6127–6845 kg of milk, while with the tie-up method of housing 4870–5020 kg only. When assessing the lactation activity of cows by month of lactation, it was found that both the method of housing and the calving season of cows influence milk productivity and the dynamics of milk yield by month of lactation. At the same time, cows housed in freestall method had higher productivity and a stable lactation curve.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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