Qualitative characteristics of young horse meat of different breeds of horses in Yakutia


Mironov S. M., ,Ivanov R. V.,


The purpose of the work was to study the biochemical composition and nutritional value of the meat of foals of Prilenskaya and Megezhekskaya breeds in comparison with the original Yakut breed. Based on special analyses, the indicators of nutritional value and biochemical composition of the meat of foals of the studied breeds have been studied. As a result of the conducted research, the expediency of using stationary pre-slaughter maintenance of foals of above-average fatness for 4 days in order to improve the quality indicators of horse meat has been objectively proved. In a comparative study of different cut of meat of 6-month-old foals of the three above-mentioned breeds, it has been found that the meat of horses of the indigenous type of Yakut breed and Prilenskaya breed was the most caloric, because it contained more fat. From the point of view of consumer characteristics, the optimal ratio of protein and fat was noted in the dorsal-rib and sacral part of the cut in the meat of foals of Megezhekskaya and Yakut breeds, and in the Prilenskaya in the brisket. As a result of the conducted studies on the growth and development of horses of different breeds, as well as on the qualitative assessment of young horse meat obtained from foals of different breeds in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), it has been found that from foals of Prilenskaya and Megezhekskaya breeds, in comparison with the original Yakut breed, higher quality horse meat was obtained. With the average selling price of 1 kg of live weight of 22,8 thousand rubles, additional cash income is provided for breeding horses of Prilenskaya breed in the amount of 79,4 million rubles, and Megezhekskaya breed 56,0 million rubles compared to the original Yakut breed.


PANORAMA Publishing House


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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