Modern methods of research of reproductive organs of mares in pedigree horse breeding


Dubrovskaya A. B.,


The most important aspect of herd reproduction in horse breeding is the quality of the breeding nucleus of the breeding stock. Currently, the system of domestic comprehensive reproductive evaluation includes five main methods such as rectal, ultrasound, vaginal, cytological and bacteriological studies of the genital tract of mares, which precede visual examination of the external genitalia and the collection of information about the reproductive history of the mare. The purpose of the work is to give an overview and description of the methods of comprehensive evaluation of the reproductive status of mares, which are used in modern pedigree horse breeding. The methods of reproductive evaluation of mares, gives the main advantages of each method and their predictive value when used comprehensively to increase the level of reproduction in the industry have been described in the article. It has been carried out that a complete reproductive evaluation of mares is necessary in rare and complex cases. However, the use of methods of rectal, vaginoscopic, ultrasound, cytological and bacteriological diagnostics of the genital tract of mares is quite within the power of veterinarians and breeding specialists and they are available under production conditions. Their application requires skills in the technical side of the issue and the established system for the prompt dispatch of biomaterial to the nearest, but reliable veterinary or medical bacteriological laboratory. It is well known that even in small horse breeding farms of the Russian Federation, there are currently means and opportunities for the qualitative evaluation of the reproductive system of mares.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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