The linear structure of Belarusian type of pigs of Yorkshire breed on base of the analysis of DNA differentiation of microsatellites


Kazutova Yu. S., ,Balnikov A. A.,Kostomakhin N. M.ORCID,Gridyushko I. F., , ,


The purpose of the research was to study the linear structure of Belarusian breeding type of Yorkshire pigs based on the analysis of DNA differentiation of microsatellites. The genetic diversity and characterizes the linear structure of Belarusian breeding type of Yorkshire breed pigs are bred in the State Enterprise “ZhodinoAgroPlemElita” in the Minsk region and OAO “Selection and Hybrids Center “Zapadny” in the Brest region have been assessed in the paper. The genetic material of 28 boars was selected and their breed belonging was determined based on the analysis of established microsatellites, genetic diff erences between the lines and the degree of heterozygosity of animals in the lines. It has been established that the studied lines were genetically diff erentiated and were characterized by a high level of genetic diversity. Promising breeding boars of breeding lines in Belarusian breeding type of pigs of Yorkshire breed have been identifi ed and selected. When determining the genetic affi liation of boars to the line using the Assignment test, it was found that 12 out of 19 tested boars of four breeding lines confi rmed their pedigree-linear affiliation in the Selection and Hybrids Center “Zapadny” including 8 out of 11 tested boars in Drug 6805 line and two boars each in the Duchess 3962 and Factor 1573 breeding lines. The same trend was noted in the State Enterprise “ZhodinoAgroPlemElita”, where out of the tested 9 animals, 4 boars confi rmed their pedigree-linear affi liation (one each in Drug 6805 line and Dobryi 2313 line, two boars from breeding line No. 1131). The dendograms constructed on the basis of genetic similarity in the population of diff erent breeding lines of Belarusian breeding type of pigs of Yorkshire breed showed the greatest genetic closeness between individual breeding lines. The results obtained can be used in the development of a genetic passport of the breed.


PANORAMA Publishing House


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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