Protein composition of blood of young cattle of beef breeds


Alekseeva E. I., ,Leshchuk T. L.,Lushnikov N. A.,Kostomakhin N. M.ORCID, , ,


It is possible to achieve an increase in beef production in Russia with the rational use of the available breed resources of beef cattle. The formation of meat productivity of animals depends on the growth and development of young animals, but at the same time it is important to study hematological indicators that give a certain idea of the patterns of changes in the body. The purpose of the research was to study the protein composition of the blood of young cattle of beef breeds. Research was carried out in farms in the Kurgan region on steers and heifers of Aberdeen-Angus and Hereford breeds during weaning (7 months) and at 12 months of age. For analysis blood samples were taken from animals from the jugular vein, which was examined in the laboratory of the Department of Chemistry and Examination of Food Products at the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after T. S. Maltsev. The article presents the results of studies of the protein composition of the blood serum of young animals of Aberdeen Angus and Hereford breeds depending on their age. It was found that the total protein content was less than the reference value in Hereford steers and Aberdeen Angus heifers during weaning period (7 months), and in Hereford heifers at 12 months of age, which indicates a decrease in metabolism in the body. The concentration of albumins in all the studied animals was normal. In heifers of Hereford breed at the age of 7 and 12 months, in steers of the same breed at 12 months a low content of β-globulins was revealed. The number of γ-globulins in animals of all groups was normal, with the exception of Hereford steers (12 months) where the indicator was higher than normal rate.


PANORAMA Publishing House


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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