Mikolaychik I. N., ,Morozova L. A.,Abileva G. U., ,
At the present stage of the development of animal husbandry the fundamental factor in realizing the genetic potential of dairy productivity and preserving the health of cows is to provide animals with biologically complete feeding. The purpose of the work was to study the infl uence of biotechnological additives in the rations of highly productive cows on their productive and biological traits. The research was carried out in CJSC “Glinki” in the Kurgan region on highly productive cows of Black-and-White breed. The cows of the control group received the basic ration adopted on the farm. In addition to the basic ration the cows of the 1st experimental group were fed a probiotic additive Lactur at a dose of 2 kg/t of concentrated feed, the analogues of the 2nd experimental group were fed a prebiotic additive Acid Lac 3 kg/t of concentrated feed and the cows of the 3rd experimental group were fed together the probiotic additive Lactur 1 kg/t and the prebiotic additive AsidLak 1,5 kg/t of concentrated feed. The paper scientifi cally substantiates and experimentally confi rms the zootechnical and economic feasibility of the complex use of the probiotic additive Lactur and the prebiotic additive AcidLac in the rations of highly productive cows in order to increase their productive and biological traits. The use of biological additives in the rations of highly productive cows as part of concentrated feeds is economically feasible to increase the dairy productivity of cows, reduce the prime-cost of milk and increase the profitability of its production. A particularly positive eff ect was provided by the complex introduction of pro- and prebiotic feed additives into the ration of cows in the dry period and lactating cows, which positively affected their further productive traits during the period of increasing the milk yield and throughout lactation, which was confirmed by the increase in milk yields, fat and protein content in milk.
PANORAMA Publishing House
Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry
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