1. Bragin L.A., Ivanov G.G., Mayorova E.A., Nikishin A.F., Mayorova A.N. Environmental performance of retail trade companies in Russia // Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism. 2018. Vol. 9. № 1 (25). P. 175–180.
2. Boikova A.V., Nikishin A.F., Khapenkov V.N. Povyshenie konkurentosposobnosti organizatsii elektronnoi torgovli na osnove upravleniia assortimentom [Increasing the competitiveness of e-commerce organizations based on assortment management] // Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo [Economics and Entrepreneurship]. 2017. No. 1 (78). P. 419–422. (In Russ.)
3. Bragin L.A., Pankina T.V., Nikishin A.F. Konkurentosposobnost organizatsii malogo biznesa v sfere torgovli [Competitiveness of small business organizations in trade] // Rossiiskoe predprinimatelstvo [Russian Entrepreneurship]. 2018. Vol. 19. No. 11. P. 3493–3502. (In Russ.)
4. Krasilnikova E.A., Bragin L.A. Struktura tovarnykh resursov Rossiiskoi Federatsii kak osnova formirovaniia bazovogo assortimenta torgovli [The structure of commodity resources of the Russian Federation as the basis for the formation of the basic assortment of trade] // Rossiiskoe predprinimatelstvo [Russian Entrepreneurship]. 2018. Vol. 19. No. 3. P. 633–642. (In Russ.)
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