Features of the development of the automotive market as the basis of strategies for the transformation of intangible resources of companies


Krasilnikova Elena Anatolievna1,Panasenko Svetlana Viktorovna1


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


The dynamics of the passenger car market in the Russian Federation is expected to be sinusoidal in 2020, taking into account the fall in sales in the spring and the manifestation of deferred demand in the summer and autumn. After a period of global self-isolation and the abolition of quarantine measures, sales began to level out gradually based on the satisfaction of deferred demand, including due to government support measures. But the recovery process is very unstable. The driver of growth in post-pandemic sales indicators, as well as indicators of the effectiveness of commercial activities, is the management of intangible resources, taking into account their availability, possibility of use, legal and technical protection. Automotive companies are working out new development strategies based on the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence, which form a special layer of intangible resources. Transformation of the structure of intangible resources becomes obvious and deserves deep research.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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