Improving the system of measures to support industrial development in Russia


Dubovik M. V.1,Salakhova N. Sh.1,Sizova D. A.1


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


Currently, it is not individual enterprises that compete in the global market of industrial goods, but value chains. Within their framework, technological and production interfaces, diversification of demand markets, and optimization of business processes contribute to a sharp increase in the competitiveness of enterprises. The existing measures to support the development of industry do not confirm their effectiveness based on the results of work. To improve the system of support measures, the following steps are proposed: value chains should become the main tool for implementing the state’s industrial policy, measures for technological re-equipment based on intersectoral interaction of enterprises of high-tech and medium-tech industries should be implemented, as well as development institutions alternative to the banking sector should be formed. When implementing the proposed state support measures, the conditions for the sustainable development of the manufacturing industry in Russia are formed.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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