Concession agreements as a source of attracting investments in the regions of the Russian Federation: current state and implementation problems


Bondarenko Natalia E.1,Gubarev Roman V.1


1. Departament for Economic Theory, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


The article analyzes the mechanism of public-private partnership as a source of attracting extra-budgetary funds in order to implement investment projects at the regional level. Particular attention is paid to concession agreements, as a classic form of public-private partnership, which implements most of the projects in this area. The authors note that despite the fact that in Russia in recent years the mutual interest of state bodies and the private sector in expanding mutual cooperation has increased and the number of PPP projects is constantly expanding, there are a number of restrictions that have a constraining effect on the implementation of this form of partnership, including, legal and institutional factors. A number of measures have been proposed, aimed not only at supporting ongoing projects, but also at stimulating programs for launching new project initiatives.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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