Production and use of glucose-maltose-amino acid feed additive from cereal grains


,Motovilov K. Ya.


One of the important issues in domestic livestock farming is the production of high-quality and environmentally friendly poultry products. Currently, technology and technological means have been developed for processing cereal grains into easily digestible sugars and amino acids using elements of nanotechnology such as cavitation, ionization and fermentation. Technical documentation has been developed for this technology. The technology was introduced at the Berdskaya poultry farm LLC in the Novosibirsk region. A distinctive feature of this technology is that the resulting new glucose-maltose-amino acid feed additive, which has high digestibility and biological value. Easily digestible sugars: glucose, maltose and amino acids obtained using new technology at low temperatures are better digested and absorbed by the poultry’s body. The purpose of the work was to analyze the production and use of glucose-maltose-amino acid feed additive from cereal grains and its use in feeding of boiler chickens. Testing of the new feed additive was carried out at the Berdskaya poultry farm LLC on broiler chickens of the 4-line cross Sibiryak. It was found as a result of research of a new glucose-maltose-amino acid feed additive when feeding broiler chickens that its introduction into the diet of broiler chickens had a positive impact on economic performance. Thus, in the control group the profi t was 7919 rubles, and in the experimental group it was 10 034 rubles. The level of profitability in the experimental group was higher than in the control group by 5,7 abs.%. Feeding broiler chickens by the new feed additive helped reduce the content of lead and cadmium in muscle tissue, so this product can be used for dietary nutrition.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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