Use of lupine with bischofite in feeding of broiler chickens


,Korneeva O. V.,Karapetyan A. K.ORCID,


Currently, feed and mineral substances of non-traditional origin are widely used in feeding animals and poultry. The effectiveness of using new mineral complexes and non-traditional feed ingredients is constantly being studied. In this regard, the study of mineral additives and non-traditional feeds, as well as the eff ectiveness of their use in feeding animals and poultry is an urgent problem. The purpose of the work was to study the use of lupine together with bischofite in feeding of broiler chickens. In order to achieve the purpose of research two scientific and economic experiments were carried out on broiler chickens of the cross Ross 308 to study the infl uence of an alternative feed protein (lupine variety Deco) and a natural mineral additive (bischofi te) on the quality of the resulting products. The duration of each scientific and economic experiment was 37 days. It was found in the results of the first scientific and economic experiment that the use of lupine of the variety Deco and the natural mineral additive bischofite in the diets of broiler chickens in the feed composition made it possible to obtain additional profi t in the amount of 197,64–1345,38 rubles per 120 heads of broilers. The level of profi tability in the 1st experimental group of broiler chickens was higher by 1,01 abs.%, in the 2nd experimental group by 6,72 abs.% and in the 3rd experimental group by 4,03 abs.% compared to the control group. In the control group this figure was 19,77 %. It was established in the results of the second scientific and economic experiment that the use of variety lupine Deco and the natural mineral additive bischofi te in the diets of broiler chickens contributed to additional profi t in the amount of 1171,51 rubles per on 120 heads of broilers. The level of profitability in the experimental group was higher by 5,56 abs.% compared to the control group.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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