The feed base formation of an agricultural enterprise with using of digital technologies


Novikov N.1,Blagov D.1,Nikitin V.1,Mitrofanov S.1,Panfyorov N.1


1. Institute of Agricultural Technical Support – Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center All-Russian Institute of Mechanization


The issues of planning the feed base of an agricultural enterprise, taking into account the productivity of the livestock sector have been considered in the paper. The developed program is a single interconnected system with two blocks of tasks: animal husbandry and crop production. This connection allows us to make multivariate calculations that ensure the most rational use of acreage and material resources on the basis of an integrated approach to the design of the feed base, taking into account natural, organizational, economic and technological factors. Based on the example of the agricultural enterprise in the Ryazan region that specializes in the production of dairy and crop products, a calculation for planning the output of livestock products has been made, taking into account the necessary land resources to provide high-quality animal feed. Based on the annual structure of the ration, taking into account the summer and winter stall housing, the need for acreage for forage crops grown by the farm has been determined, which amounted to 582 ha. The planned productivity of dairy cattle was equal to 5000 kg per lactation. At the subsequent stages the need for organic, mineral, lime and micro-fertilizers has been determined, providing the necessary level of productivity of feed crops, provided that the humus of the soil is not deficient. Based on the proposed structure of the annual ration and the calculated share of perennial grasses (53,44 %), a positive dynamics of soil humus was obtained for the crop rotation as a whole. The inclusion of perennial grasses in the crop rotation will allow the farm to ensure planned production of livestock products while maintaining a deficit-free balance of soil humus. According to the supply of nitrogen given the crop need additional introduction of ammonium nitrate in the amount of 839,7 centners. In addition, calculations have been made according to the requirements of lime fertilizers, which found that the specified area must input dolomite 2219,8 t. Also the doses of mineral fertilizers required to obtain the planned yields of crops have been calculated. The use of the developed software product allowed us to determine the need for boron–containing fertilizers – 1,08 centner, manganese – 3,38 centners and copper-containing – 0,46 centner.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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