Influence of «Spectolak extra» on the growth rate of post-weaned pigs


Pshenichnaya E. A.1,Ermolova E. M.1


1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “South Ural State Agrarian University”, Russia, Chelyabinsk region, Troitsk


Post-weaned pigs are affected by such stressful situations as weaning and switching to another diet, participation in the life of a new group of animals, getting used to a new place of residence, the struggle of piglets for the establishment of hierarchical subordination. All of the above factors lead to a weakening of the immunity of piglets and the appearance of deep physiological changes in the digestive organs. The purpose of the research work was to study the influence of the skimmed milk replacer “Spectolak extra” on the growth rate of post-weaned pigls. Scientific and economic experiment was carried out on the basis of OOO “Agrofirma Ariant”, which is located in the Chelyabinsk region. The object of research was compound feed intended for post-weaning pigs, skimmed milk replacer “Spectolak extra” and post-weaned pigs themselves. The selection of postweaned pigs into groups has been carried out on the principle of pairs of analogues grown under the same feeding and housing conditions. Two groups of piglets with 15 heads in each group have been formed. “Spectolak extra” was added to the compound feed for post-weaned pigs at a dose of 4 kg per 100 kg of compound feed, which softens the transition from mother’s milk to vegetable feed. “Spectolak extra” consists of 67 % of dairy components, as well as micro – and macroelements, vitamins and amino acids in its composition. It has been found that for the entire period of the experiment, i.e. before the animals reached the age of 4 months, the piglets of the experimental group had an absolute live weight gain 34,4 kg, which was more by 3,7 kg or 9,4 % (P < 0,001) than in the control group. The average daily gain in live weight in the experimental group was also higher by 80 g or 20,0 % (P < 0,001) and it was in average 480 g.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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