Effectiveness of use of biological drugs and microelements in the cultivation of chickpeakes in light chestnut soils in the Volgograd region


,Vasina I. A.,Pleskachev Yu. N.,


Chickpeas are widespread in countries with arid climates, where they are sown annually on an area of 10–11 million hectares. The favorable combination of protein, fat, carbohydrates, macro- and microelements, vitamins, and biological active substances in grain make it a complete feed for farm animals and poultry. The purpose of the research was to study the eff ectiveness of the use of biological products and microelements when cultivating chickpeas under the conditions of light chestnut soils in the Volgograd region. In the process of work, two series of experiments were carried out: the fi rst – “Pre-sowing treatment of chickpea seeds with microfertilizers” and the second – “Combined use of growth stimulants and microfertilizers”. The most important conditions for the realization of chickpea productivity, taking into account the biological characteristics of the variety Privo 1 in the soil and climatic conditions of light chestnut soils of the Volgograd region have been identifi ed. In the second experiment, the average lowest economic yield of chickpea variety Privo 1 was formed in the control variant without seed treatment with microelements and growth stimulants and was equal to 1,92 t/ha. The highest economic yield of chickpeas, on average, according to experience, was established in combinations of the growth stimulator HB-101 with boric acid or ammonium molybdate during pre-sowing seed treatment and was equal to 2,59 t/ha, i.e. was 34,9 % higher than in the control variant. It was recommended that under the conditions of the Volgograd region on light chestnut soils when cultivating chickpea variety Privo 1, before sowing, treat chickpea seeds with growth stimulant HB-101 (50 ml/t) in combination with ammonium molybdate (NH4)2MoO4 – (250 g/t) or boric acid H3BO3, B(OH)3 (500 g/t). Sowing should be carried out as early as possible with a seeding rate of 500 thousand viable seeds on 1 ha.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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