The increase of egg productivity of laying hens when using non-traditional feed and biologically active additives


Nikolaev S. I.1,Struk M. V.1


1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Volgograd State Agricultural University”, Russia, Volgograd


In poultry farming, feed remains the most expensive part and farmers are constantly trying to optimize diets, both in terms of price and nutrition, so that the poultry can realize its genetic potential. Such feeding diets should maintain the highest productivity of poultry in a normal state of health; contribute to improving the quality of products and reducing the cost of its production. The purpose of the work was the theoretical and experimental justification of the use of new varieties of sorghum, chickpeas, mustard seed processing products, as well as targeted formulations of biologically active additives (premixes, PVMC, NutoVit additive) based on local feed sources, increasing the nutritional value of compound feed, reducing their cost, increasing egg productivity and obtaining complete food and incubation chicken eggs. The nutritional value of a new variety of chickpeas Privo 1, sorghum Kamyshinskoe 75 with different levels of their input into compound feed instead of sunflower presscake and corn grain for young birds and laying hens, respectively, has been studied in the paper. The effectiveness of using different levels of mustard seed processing products – feed concentrate from vegetable raw materials Sarepta and mustard protein-containing feed concentrate Gorlinka in feeding of laying hens instead of the traditionally used sunflower seed presscake and meal. The influence of the premix and the protein-vitamin concentrate Gorlinka based on the products of processing mustard seeds and the additive NutoVit in the composition of compound feed for chickens of the parent and industrial herd has been determined. The use of non-traditional feed and biologically active additives in the diets of young birds and laying hens has a positive effect on the growth and development of young animals, egg productivity of laying hens and egg quality, as well as increases the efficiency of production.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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