Formation of winter rapeseed productivity in the Central Non- Chernozem region depending on seeding rates and the use of growth stimulants


Astarkhanova T. S., ,Bereznov A. V.,


Recently, rapeseed has become a popular crop in many countries of the world and the acreage is being expanded annually for its production. The demand for this crop is also explained by the fact that it is cultivated for oil seeds in many regions. Winter rapeseed seeds are in demand for feed purposes, because they produce high-quality presscake and meal for farm animals and poultry. The purpose of the research was to study the infl uence of diff erent seeding rates of winter rapeseed varieties Elvis, Loris and Sarmat and the use of growth stimulants Restart and Moddus to increase productivity, product quality and plant resistance to adverse environmental factors under the conditions of the Central Non–Chernozem region. The infl uence of optimized seed seeding rates, the use of modern growth stimulants on the productivity of adaptive varieties of winter rapeseed was determined, an optimized method of using growth stimulants on various varieties of winter rapeseed was used, which allows to improve plant growth and development, photosynthetic activity, and as a result to increase yields. The lowest prime-cost of gross production of Sarmat variety was formed in the variant with a seeding rate of 1,0 million seeds/ha when using the drug Moddus and was equal to 11,6 thousand rubles/ha or 2,6 thousand rubles/ha was less than Elvis variety and 0,9 thousand rubles/ha less than Loris variety. Thus, the expediency of reducing the seeding rates of winter rapeseed varieties Sarmat, Elvis and Loris from the recommended 2,0 to 1,0 million seeds/ha of germinating grains was confi rmed and the optimal use of growth stimulants in the cultivation of winter rapeseed was revealed.


PANORAMA Publishing House


Ocean Engineering

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