Feed additive “Reasil® Humic Vet” and its use in egg poultry farming


,Moskalenko S. P.,Vasilenko I. O.,


One of the ways to solve the problem of increasing the effi ciency of poultry farming is the use of biologically active additives of natural origin in poultry feeding, determining the optimal doses of their use, as well as their eff ect on the egg production of laying hens, the commercial quality of eggs, the digestibility of nutrients and economic effi ciency. The purpose of the work was to determine the optimal level of introduction of the liquid feed additive Reasil® Humic Vet into drinking water for laying hens. Experimental groups of laying hens were formed taking into account age, live weight and egg production. In total, 7 experimental groups were formed per 21 heads in each, which housed in separate cages of 7 heads. The duration of the experiment was 12 weeks. During the experiment, laying hens of the control group received the main diet. The use of the feed additive Reasil® Humic Vet was carried out in two stages. The liquid feed additive Reasil® Humic Vet was given to laying hens in the experimental groups with drinking water, at the first stage: 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the amount of 0,25 ml, 0,50 and 0,75 ml per 1 liter water according to the group number, and at the second stage: 4th, 5th and 6th in the amount of 3,0 ml, 6,0 and 10,0 ml per 100 kg of live weight. As the period of feeding the additive increased, egg production in laying hens of the experimental groups gradually increased. As a result, the weekly egg production of laying hens in the 1st experimental group was 6,5 pcs. more compared to control group (p < 0,01). A further twofold increase in the amount of additive solution contributed to an even greater increase in egg production by 8,5 pcs. eggs in the 2nd experimental group (p < 0,01). However, increasing the additive to 0,75 ml/l of water increased egg production by 6,3 pieces, which was higher compared to the control group (p < 0,01), but less than in the 1st and 2nd experimental groups. Similar results were obtained at the second stage of the experiment. The laying hens of the 5th experimental group had the best performance. The positive eff ect of the liquid feed additive Reasil® Humic Vet on a number of hematological parameters has been established. The most eff ective dose of the test drug was 0,50 ml/l of water and 6,0 ml per 100 kg of live weight.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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