Influence of probiotic drug Propionovy on productive traits and physiological condition of broiler chickens


,Orlova T. N.


Recently, the use of various biological feed additives and especially probiotic effects in feeding of farm animals has become relevant. The purpose of the work was to study the effect of the probiotic drug Propionovy on the productive traits and physiological state of broiler chickens. Experimental studies were carried out under the conditions of Kuzbass Broiler LLC b the Kemerovo region. The object of the study was broiler chickens of the cross Hubbard ISA F-15. The studies examined the effect of certain doses of the probiotic drug Propionovy on the productive traits, physiological state of broiler chickens and the choice of the optimal dose of the probiotic. In order to conduct a scientifi c and economic experiment, groups of poultry were formed using the method of analogous groups, while day-old chickens were selected, from which four experimental groups were formed (control and three experimental). Thus, the 1st control group received the main diet adopted on the farm, consisting of complete feed, which included a feed antibiotic. In the 2nd, 3rd and 4th experimental groups, from days 1 to 4, chickens received the same basic diet as chickens in the control group. Starting from the 5th day, instead of a feed antibiotic, the probiotic drug Propionovy was added to the diets of chickens of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th experimental groups in doses of: 0,35; 0,50 and 0,65 ml/head, respectively, the doses were then increased according to the research methodology. The results received on base of the experiment the maximum revenue from product sales was 40 562,73 rubles was obtained in the 4th experimental group, which was 4,11 % more than in the 1st control group. The greatest economic effi ciency was also in the 4th experimental group and amounted to 547,26 rubles from experimental livestock or 2,76 rubles in terms of 1 head. Thus, economic calculations carried out based on the results of scientific and economic experiment indicate a positive eff ect of feeding the probiotic drug Propionovy on the prime-cost of production.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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