Metabolism, productivity and technological properties of milk in cows when using the feed additive BioPrimum dry


Kistina A. A., ,Ruin V. A.,


Complete feeding of highly productive cows should be carried out with the use of biologically active feed additives, which is the main criterion for obtaining maximum milk productivity. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce optimal dosages of multicomponent feed additives into production, which contribute to increasing productivity and reducing the cost of production. The purpose of the work was to study the metabolism, productivity and technological properties of milk in cows when using the feed additive BioPrimum dry. The research was carried out under the production conditions of OOO “Agrosoyuz” in the Ruzaevsky municipal area in the Republic of Mordovia. The paper scientifically substantiates the possibility of using a new feed additive BioPrimum dry in the rations of cows of Red-and-White. Its optimal dosage has been established and the eff ect on the digestibility of nutrients and the use of mineral elements of the ration, the biochemical status of blood, dairy productivity of cows has been studied. The economic effi ciency of the use of the feed additive BioPrimum dry in cow feeding has been determined. The optimal dosage of the feed additive BioPrimum dry in the amount of 75 mg/ kg of dry matter in cow feeding has been established. Based on the results of production testing, the economic effi ciency of using the tested additive was calculated. The best indicators turned out to be in the cows of the experimental group, when converting the milk obtained to the basic fat content 517,8 kg or 5,8 % higher more milk was received from them. Revenue from sales amounted to 198 124,5 rubles or 10 874,5 rubles higher than in the control group. At the same time, an additional profit was received in the amount of 9935,7 rubles per cow.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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