Features of the formation of the bacterial community of the rumen and the biochemical status of the cows depending on the protein source


Buryakov N. P.1,Laptev G. Yu.2,Buryakova M. A.1,Ilyina L. A.2,Aleshin D. E.1,Kasatkina I. A.3,Zaikina A. S.1,Stavtsev A. E.4


1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev”, Russia, Moscow

2. OOO “Biotrof”, Russia, St. Petersburg

3. Agricultural production cooperative “Plemzavod Maysky”, Russia, Vologda region, Maysky

4. OOO “Agro-Matic”, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, Vyksa


The results of scientific and economic experiment on the use of protein concentrate “AgroMatic” in feeding highly productive cows of Ayrshire breed during lactation have been provided in the article. The use of protein concentrate “Agro-Matic” in the rations of dairy cattle in the amount of 1,0 and 1,5 kg/head/day has been leaded to an increase in the content of cellulolytic microflora at the end of lactation compared with the control group. At the same time, the level of microorganisms that stimulate and promote immunity (bacilli, bifid bacterium) and suppress the development of pathogenic bacteria has been observed in high amounts throughout lactation in the experimental groups whose ration was put with protein concentrate. In the rumen content of cows have been receiving 1,5 kg/head/day of protein concentrate “Agro-Matic”, the increased content of bifid bacterium by 0,03 abs.% and bacilli by 0,91 abs.% has been noted. The inclusion of the maximum level of protein concentrate was characterized by the decrease in the number of pathogenic microorganisms like pathogens of mastitis and other diseases (lactobacilli, actinomycetes and enterobacteria). The total number of cellulolytic bacteria in the rumen content at the end of lactation when using 1,0 kg/head/day of protein concentrate in animals increased compared to animals that consumed the basic ration. The inclusion of protein concentrate throughout lactation contributed to the increase in the blood content of total protein and nitrogen of free amino acids. Thus, the use of protein concentrate during the feeding period increased the intensity of protein metabolism in animals. The inclusion of 1,5 kg of protein concentrate in the ration contributed to the increase in total protein in the blood by 4,6 g/l, at the level of 1,0 kg by 9,1 g/l (P > 0,95). The index of insemination when using protein concentrate in lactating cows has been decreased by 21,7 % and the duration of the period of open days by 28,2 days.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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