The use of Biotrof drug in the haylage and silage making of alfalfa


Kosolapov V. M., ,Shirokoryad M. S.,


Alfalfa is one of the most important fodder crops, because it has a very high adaptability to various climatic conditions. The purpose of the research was to study the use of the Biotrof drug in the haylage and silage making of alfalfa. The research was carried out at the Central Experimental Base of the Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production & Agroecology in the laboratory of feed storage and canning. The production experiment on the evaluation of the eff ectiveness of the use of the Biotrof feed additive was carried out in the livestock farm of the PF Mikhailidi in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. The modes of alfalfa drying providing an increase in the fermentability of the silage mass were determined. Under laboratory conditions a number of experiments on silage and haylage making of alfalfa with diff erent dry matter content were carried out in order to identify the optimal value of plant moisture, at which, under the infl uence of the introduced feed additive of lactic acid bacteria, the minimum accumulation of ammonia is ensured, as well as the maximum rate and degree of acidifi cation of the mass. The mechanisms of accumulation of ammonia, sugar and butyric acid in alfalfa with different dry matter content and various methods of canning have been studied. It was found during the production trial that the intake of silage from dried alfalfa harvested with the addition of lactic acid bacteria Biotrof, as part of the ration of sheep of Hissar breed, the average daily gain in live weight was by 18,3 g more compared with the group of animals that consumed haylage. The data obtained indicate that in terms of its productive effect, silage from dried alfalfa prepared with the Biotrof feed additive, is not inferior to the productive eff ect of alfalfa haylage with a dry matter content of about 50 % provided that the mass is quickly dried in both cases.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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