Metabolism and productivity of quails of Estonian breed when feeding the feed additive Krezatsin


,Gayirbegov D. Sh.,Engurazov G. A.,


The purpose of the work was to establish the metabolism and productivity of quails of Estonian breed when fed with the Krezatsin feed additive. Under the conditions of a quail farm, the feasibility of using the feed additive Krezatsin in the diets of quails of Estonian breed has been scientifi cally substantiated and proven. Its optimal dose in compound feed for quails has been identifi ed. It has been shown that the use of the Krezatsin additive in feeding quails increased the nutritional value of their feeding, had a positive effect on digestibility, the use of dietary nutrients, growth energy, the livability of quails, their egg and meat productivity. The use this additive reduced feed intake per unit of production. The data obtained in the experiment made it possible to theoretically substantiate and recommend additional resources for production to increase the effi ciency of quail production by optimizing the Krezatsin feed additive in their diets. It has been proven that the use of this additive when rearing quails in an amount of 50 mg per 100 g of compound feed contributed to the normalization of metabolism in the body of quails, significantly increased the digestibility of dry matter by 2,25 abs.%, organic matter by 2,16 abs.%, raw protein by 3,38 abs.%, crude fat by 2,67 abs.%, crude fi ber by 2,76 abs.% and nitrogen-free extractive substances by 1,16 abs.%. The tested additive contributed to better nitrogen absorption and use of macroelements diet. Feeding the studied additive as part of the compound feed contributed to an increase in the live weight of quails by 3,4 %, egg productivity by 6,0 %, improved the quality of eggs and reduced the compound feed intake per unit of production by 3,4 %.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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