Delayed parenchymal hemorrhages in the acute period of traumatic brain injury: etiopathogenetic aspects. Literature review


Pyak A. A.ORCID, ,Kholyavin A. I.ORCID,


The presented literature review is devoted to the pathogenesis of delayed parenchymal hemorrhages in the acute period of traumatic brain injury as the most severe group of patients with high incidence and high mortality. This includes progressing cerebral contusions and delayed intracerebral hematomas. In the literature, there are different viewpoints regarding the determination of prognostic risk factors for the progression of cerebral contusions or in terms of studying the effect of blood pressure on the progression of the injury focus, etc. There is also a lot of disagreement regarding disorders in the coagulation system in TBI. In modern Russian and foreign literature, there are many indicatithat one of the causes of delayed intracerebral hematoma may be hemorrhagic stroke, however, not enough attention is paid to the detailed description of these cases. The purpose of the review is to analyze all the current opinions, disagreements, and perspectives on the etiopathogenesis of delayed parenchymal hemorrhages in traumatic brain injury in order to find the optimal way to influence evolutionary processes in the acute period of severe traumatic brain injury.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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