Clinical and neurophysiological correlations in patients with acute non-traumatic hemispheric hematomas


Kurepina I.S.ORCID, ,Zorin R.A.ORCID,Zhadnov V.A.ORCID,Evdokimova O.V.ORCID,Burshinov A.O., , , ,


The aim of the study was to identify the relationship between clinical and neurophysiological parameters in patients with non-traumatic supratentorial hematomas. We examined 90 patients in acute period of parenchymal hemorrhagic stroke; the Glasgow Coma Scale (at first day) and the NIHSS (at 1st, 3rd, and 14th days) were used for the assessment of clinical dynamics. Two groups of patients were identified by means of cluster analysis. Cluster 1 included the patients with lower number of correlations between neurophysiologic parameters; cluster 2 included the patients with higher level of conjugacy in the mechanisms of nervous regulation. The clinical and neurophysiological correlations that differed between the groups of the patients were found. The role of EEG slow-wave activity and its association with the severity of neurological symptoms in the group of the patients with regress of neurological deficit were described. The role of desynchronizing influences in minimizing the severity of neurological deficit in patients with unfavorable course of disease was established. In conclusion, we emphasize the heterogeneity of the groups of the patients with parenchymal hemorrhagic stroke due to their clinical course; the role of synchronizing and desynchronizing influences of the brainstem structures according to EEG data in the assessment of the course of acute period of hemorrhagic stroke is highlighted.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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